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Ardiden 3C/WZ16, the new Turbomeca/Avic engine, has completed its first run on test bench
Thursday, 28 November 2013

As planned, the first run of the Ardiden 3C helicopter engine, named WZ16 in China, jointly developed by Turbomeca (Safran) and AVIC Engine on an equally shared basis, was successfully achieved at Turbomeca Bordes (France) plant. This significant milestone confirms the good aeromechanical behavior and performances of this new generation engine and allows engagement in the test and certification phases of the development program. Preliminary testing of its major components has demonstrated the relevance of the technological choices.

This Ardiden 3C/WZ16 engine jointly designed by Turbomeca and AVIC Engine will fully respond to market requirements in the growing 6 to 8 tons helicopter segment. The modular design and dual channel FADEC makes this engine highly reliable and easy to operate, with the benefit of a low fuel consumption.

“This first run reflects the high quality of our partnership with AVIC Engine and is the first concrete step of a long term and sustainable program.” said Olivier Andriès, Chairman & CEO of Turbomeca.

Powering the AC352 AVICopter helicopter, the Ardiden 3C/WZ16 engine will provide to the operators an unmatched level of performances, easy maintenance and reduced operating costs enabling their aircraft to fulfill the most demanding missions in a competitive environment.

This Ardiden 3C/WZ16 program is the result of a strong, continuous and long lasting cooperation started 30 years ago between Turbomeca (Safran) and AVIC. Through this partnership, the operators and aircraft manufacturers will benefit from the knowhow and experience of two key players in the field of aircraft propulsion.

Contact details from our directory:
Safran Helicopter Engines Turboshaft Engines, Auxiliary Power Units, Turbine Engine Blades, Additive Manufacturing, Electric Motors
AECC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co. Ltd. Testing Services, Engine Parts, Engineering Design Services, Turbofan Engines
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