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ONE Aviation announces new evolutionary Eclipse model, code name "Canada"
Thursday, 21 July 2016

One Aviation announce an improved Eclipse offering more performance and features for customers. Currently known as "Project Canada", this new aircraft is all about offering MORE.

Specifically, "Canada" adds about 4 feet to the span of previous Eclipse jets by adding a new wing section at the root. The increased span improves efficiency which, in turn, improves takeoff, climb, and cruise performance; especially at high altitudes - an important aspect that allows for increasing the max altitude to FL430.

Additional wing area keeps the takeoff, approach, and landing speeds similar to the current Eclipse 550. To reduce time to delivery most of the existing wing will be retained. This added area provides the volume necessary to increase the total usable fuel to 321 gal. to achieve the design goal of 1400 nm with NBAA IFR 100 range while eliminating the tip tanks and their associated drag. 

Of course, adding fuel without adding gross weight limits choices. So the new "Canada" will also have a much higher gross weight of about 6900 lb. Yes, the new higher gross weight will increase the amount of testing required by the FAA.

We expect that the aircraft will be powered by a flat rated version of the PW615, thus providing higher thrust. The flat rating allows the engine to put out the required thrust at much higher temperatures and altitudes. Summer in Denver? No problem. Climb direct to FL430 on hot days? No problem.

Even with all the performance of "Canada" it is still designed to be an easy to operate, economical personal or business jet. Continued enhancements to the “user interface” come with the GARMIN G3000 avionics suite.

State of the Art Garmin G3000 provides:

• Synthetic vision

• GFC 700 autopilot

• Garmin ESP protection system

• ADS-B and RVSM compliant

• Full LNAV and VNAV functions

• And much more …

And while these are "Big Improvements" they come from a collection of small, straightforward implementations of existing technologies. While any change requires FAA and other aviation authorities certification, the Canada project is designed to concentrate those changes in a few key areas drastically reducing program schedule and risk.

Contact details from our directory:
Eclipse Aerospace, Inc. (was ONE Aviation) Airframer
Related aircraft programs:
Eclipse 550