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Falcon 8X business jets provisioned for EVAS Cockpit Smoke Protection
Wednesday, 23 August 2017

VisionSafe Corporation and Dassault Aviation expressed a mutual commitment to providing an EVAS option on the 8X. The work has paid off, EVAS Cockpit Smoke Protection is now approved for installation on the 8X from the start of the line.

VisionSafe's Vice President Jonathan Parker stated – "Dassault continues to demonstrate its forward-thinking view by adding the 8X to the existing Falcon Service Advisory. Dassault has consolidated its protection offerings under a single advisory." Adding, "this is not just about the 8X, Dassault is expanding the Service Bulletin concept to include all the aircraft covered by the advisory and EVAS STC (7X, 8X, 900, 2000, and 50 series aircraft). Now any Falcon Jet operator will be able to either factory install EVAS on their new aircraft or have it streamlined with the service bulletin factory retrofit."

Contact details from our directory:
VisionSafe Corporation Safety Equipment
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Dassault 8X
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Safety & Security Systems