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BRS Aerospace develops whole aircraft parachute rescue system for Van's RV-10
Tuesday, 19 February 2019

BRS Aerospace has developed a whole aircraft parachute rescue system on Van's RV-10 homebuilt aircraft.

The company is accepting orders for the system, which is priced at $25,990, plus shipping. The BRS ballistic powered parachute system can be retrofitted on flying aircraft or incorporated during the home building process. BRS Aerospace also offers the installation in two stages for builders who want to incorporate parts of the installation during the build process.

The RV-10 parachute rescue system is similar to the certified retrofit system available on Cessna 172 and 182 aircraft and the one that is installed in all Cirrus piston powered aircraft, except that an aircraft builder owners or mechanic is permitted to perform the installation, rather than an A&P. The installation should take 48 hours to complete or up to 78 hours if the aircraft is equipped with an air conditioning system.

BRS Aerospace estimates that more than 800 aircraft are eligible for the company's whole aircraft parachute rescue system. The system will fit into the rear luggage compartment with the activation handle located in the center console. There are two rear and two aft attach points for the parachute.

Contact details from our directory:
BRS Aerospace Whole Aircraft Parachutes
Van's Aircraft Inc. Airframer
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Van's RV-10
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Safety & Security Systems