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Blackshape premiers the new BK160 Trainer at EAA Airventure Oshkosh 2021
Monday, 26 July 2021

Blackshape, the Italian aircraft manufacturer will exhibit at "EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2021" following a streak of commercial successes and significant progresses in delivering its industrial plan. Blackshape is rapidly expanding its commercial presence over the world, and its debut on the largest international air show for aviation lovers in the US, marks the entrance into the country's training and general aviation market.

The first model represents the first "supercraft" harmonising performances, handling qualities and unparalleled aesthetics.

The second model is the one and only aircraft specifically designed to train cadets in the last 50 years, offering a new and innovative way to build the strongest foundations of airmanship for future civil and military pilots.

"So far we had an excellent experience both with our family of private customers and with multiple Ivy League aviation training stakeholders, including airlines (Transavia, part of the Airfrance-KLM group is one of our customers) and military training organisations, and we have helped them to deliver unprecedented quality and effectiveness to their training programs" said Luciano Belviso, Blackshape CEO, "and we look forward to let new customers discover our supercraft and set their new expectations in aviation as well as to support new training organisations in the US in their journey to upgrade their fleet and effectiveness with the first platform purpose-built in the last several decades"

Contact details from our directory:
Blackshape SpA Airframer
Related aircraft programs:
Blackshape Bk160 Gabriel