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Rostec tested the "heart" of the engine for the SSJ-NEW regional airliner
Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Rostec United Engine Corporation has successfully completed the first stage of certification testing of the PD-8 aircraft engine gas generator for the SSJ-NEW regional airliner. At a unique stand, which has no analogues in Russia, the conditions typical for engine operation at an altitude of up to 12 kilometres were simulated.

The gas generator, which is called the "heart" of an aircraft engine, consists of a high-pressure compressor, a combustion chamber and a high-pressure turbine - it is this part that drives the power plant. Tests on a high-rise stand were held at the TsIAM named after P.I. Baranov Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky and confirmed the calculated thermal model of the compressor.

"Work on the newest Russian aircraft engine PD-8 has reached one of the most important stages - certification testing of the gas generator. Simulation of operation at a height of up to 12,000 metres will allow in the future to most accurately calculate the strength characteristics of high-pressure compressor units. The "heart" of the PD-8 will have to go through several more stages of certification tests, which will last until March 2023. They will be conducted in parallel with the testing of a prototype power plant, the first launches of which are scheduled for March this year," said Vladimir Artyakov, First Deputy General Director of Rostec State Corporation.

The PD-8 bypass turbofan engine, which will be used in the imported passenger aircraft SSJ-NEW, is being created using the latest Russian materials and advanced technologies, including 3D printing. The work involves a wide cooperation of UEC enterprises, the experience of creating the PD-14 engine is actively used.

Contact details from our directory:
JSC United Engine Corporation Turbofan Engines, Technical/Eng/Scientific Studies
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