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Aspen Avionics achieves AS9100 certification
Monday, 28 March 2022

Today, Aspen Avionics announces it has been certified to the AS9100 Rev. D quality management standard. This certification for international aerospace quality standard signifies Aspen Avionics' ongoing commitment to meeting and exceeding increasingly stringent industry requirements for aerospace products. It also provides leading global manufacturers in the aerospace industry the confidence to partner with Aspen Avionics to not only meet but to surpass exacting industry requirements for commercial, defense, business, and general aviation aerospace segments.

“This is a significant milestone that validates our commitment to delivering high quality, highly reliable avionics solutions. Following a rigorous audit process, this certification demonstrates our dedication to exceeding our customer's compliance requirements relating to the performance, quality and reliability of Aspen Avionics products,” said Sam Wallace, vice president of operations.

Adding AS9100 certification strengthens Aspen's competitive position through the standardization of documented processes across all its organizations. AS9100 is the international quality management system standard for the Aircraft, Space and Defense (AS&D) industry and AS9100 Rev. D is the most current standard. The standard provides manufacturing suppliers with a comprehensive quality system for providing safe and reliable products. AS9100 is managed by the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) and based upon ISO 9001.

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Aspen Avionics Inc. Instrument Panels, GPS, Sensors/Transducers, Moving Maps, Vertical Speed Indicators, Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems, Flight Management Systems, Electronic Flight Instrument Systems, ADS-B systems