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RTC Aerospace LLC earns spot in Boeing Premier Bidder Program
Friday, 23 September 2022

Today, RTC Aerospace LLC, a Stellex Capital Management LLC portfolio company, announced it earned a spot in the Boeing Premier Bidder Program.

The program recognizes and rewards consistently high-performing Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Boeing Global Services suppliers, strengthening Boeing's collective performance and commitment to safety, quality, and integrity.

The program provides Premier Bidder members with an opportunity to increase their business with Boeing, including visibility of upcoming bids and an invitation to program conferences with key Supply Chain leadership.

RTC makes high-precision, difficult-to-machine components for commercial and military aircraft and varied aerospace and defense applications. For over 65 years, the Company has been providing blue-chip commercial and military aerospace OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers with specialized manufacturing solutions that enable the production of unique product families, including hydraulic housings, landing gear components, aerostructures, and missile assemblies.

“RTC prides itself on its standing as one of the premier aerospace and defense suppliers in the industry. We are thrilled to be a part of the Boeing Premier Bidder Program, and I am extremely proud of the team's efforts in making this happen,” said Jason Mohon, General Manager of RTC's Fife facility. “We will look to continue our collaborative relationship with Boeing through our culture of operational excellence and industry-leading quality and delivery standards.”

RTC Aerospace joins approximately 140 suppliers that have met and sustained the high quality, delivery, and performance criteria required for inclusion in the Premier Bidder Program.

Contact details from our directory:
RTC Aerospace Casting, Heat Treatment, Grinding, Engine Parts
Boeing Commercial Airplanes Airframer
Boeing Global Services (was CDG) Technical/Eng/Scientific Studies, Technical Manuals, Product Lifecycle Management, Instruction Manuals, Training Consultants, Systems Analysis, Engineering Design Services
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