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PCX Aerosystems acquires Timken Aerospace Drive Systems
Monday, 7 November 2022

PCX Aerostructures, LLC dba PCX Aerosystems ("PCX"), a leading manufacturer of highly engineered, precision, Flight Critical aerospace components and complex assemblies for rotorcraft and fixed wing aerospace platforms, has completed the acquisition of Manchester, CT based Timken Aerospace Drive Systems (ADS), a proven source for aerospace transmission assemblies, gearboxes, Flight Critical components and overhaul and repair services. ADS will be rebranded as "PCX Aerosystems – Manchester LLC."

"Manchester brings a deep history and expertise in supplying complex gears, gearboxes and transmissions to the Aerospace and Defense industry, expanding our capability set in our core target market of mission critical components and assemblies. We are excited to have Ben and his team join the PCX family and look forward to working with them to offer world class products and services to our broad customer base." said Tom Holzthum, CEO of PCX.

"We are thrilled to join the PCX team and look forward to learning and sharing best practices with the rest of the business. PCX and ADS management have a shared vision of accelerating Manchester's growth and expanding its capabilities to support new and existing customers, and we believe this transaction will provide new opportunities to diversify and grow" said Ben Kearns, President, PCX Aerosystems - Manchester."

Contact details from our directory:
PCX Aerosystems, LLC Machining Services, Aircraft Structural Components, Helicopter Assemblies
Aerospace Drive Systems by Timken Aircraft Structural Components, Engine Parts, Gearboxes, Power Distribution Equipment
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Structural Components
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