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Lee Aerospace acquires Llamas Plastics, Inc.
Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Llamas Plastics, Inc., a world-class manufacturer of aircraft transparencies, has been acquired by Lee Aerospace in a transaction facilitated by Keystone Business Advisors. This acquisition will provide Lee Aerospace with direct entrance into the military aerospace transparency markets, diversify its product line, and increase its capacity.

“When evaluating Llamas Plastics, we were very impressed that they had a family-oriented culture like Lee Aerospace,” said Jim Lee, President of Lee Aerospace. We both value our employees, and many have been with us for decades. In addition, by sharing technology and best practices, we will propel both companies forward by providing additional advanced offerings to the aerospace industry; be it general aviation, commercial, or military.”

Keystone Business Advisors served as the exclusive M&A advisor to Llamas Plastics, Inc. for this transaction. “We worked closely with the team at Llamas Plastics to understand their business and goals and used our expertise and network to find the perfect buyer for them,” said Dave Richards, Managing Partner of Keystone Business Advisors.

“Llamas Plastics, Inc. is ready to move to the next level and Lee Aerospace will take it there,” said Rick Llamas, President of Llamas Plastics, Inc. “We were impressed by their people, technical expertise and plans for the future. I’m confident with Lee’s leadership, Llamas Plastics will continue to achieve great things.”

Contact details from our directory:
Llamas Plastics Laminates, Windshields, Transparent Canopies, Lenses, Composite Structures, Phenolic Coatings, Fibreglass, Windows, Honeycomb Core Composites, Metal Bonding
Lee Aerospace, Inc Windshields, Windows, Aircraft Structural Components, Fuselage Sections
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