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Belcan receives RTX Premier Awards for performance and overall excellence in business management and technology & innovation
Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Belcan, LLC, a global supplier of design, software, manufacturing, supply chain, information technology, and digital engineering solutions to the aerospace, defense, space, automotive, industrial, marine, and government services markets, announced today that RTX has recognized Belcan with Premier Awards for performance in 2023 and overall excellence in two categories – Business Management and Technology & Innovation.

The Premier Award is an annual recognition platform under the RTX Performance+ Program to recognize suppliers with superior performance and that have provided exceptional value to RTX in one of the four key categories: Cost Competitiveness, Technology & Innovation, Business Management, Customer Service and Collaboration.

Lance Kwasniewski, Chief Executive Officer of Belcan, commented, “Receiving this award from RTX for the third consecutive year is a remarkable achievement for our team, and a direct result of Belcan's unwavering commitment to trust, innovation, and technical excellence. We are proud to be an integral partner to RTX, and we look forward to continuing to provide mission-critical, cutting-edge solutions to RTX and all of our customers.”

Belcan has worked alongside RTX businesses Pratt & Whitney since 1969 and Collins Aerospace since 2001. With offices in Connecticut, Florida, Arizona, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Kentucky, Belcan is located close to some of RTX's largest facilities. Belcan offers solutions in product engineering, software and digital engineering, and manufacturing and supply chain.

Contact details from our directory:
Belcan Services Group Computer-aided Design, Design Services, Personnel Consultants, Engineering Management Services
Raytheon Technologies Corporation (Corporate Headquarters)
Pratt & Whitney Auxiliary Power Units
Collins Aerospace
Belcan (CDI Aerospace) Engineering Management Services, Engineering Design Services
Belcan (was AVISTA) Project Management, Test Equipment, Product Lifecycle Management, Flight Management Systems, Avionics Management Systems, Hydraulic Test Equipment
Belcan (was Tandel Systems) Engineering Design Services
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Technical Consultants