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IS&S supplies GPS units for the Red Hawk
Thursday, 6 April 2023
The GPS/WAAS Beta-3 Receiver is a satellite receiver that uses the signals from GPS satellites and satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS) such as the USA Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS).

Innovative Solutions and Support is to supply Boeing with its Global Positioning System Sensor Units for the T-7A Red Hawk trainer. Deliveries will begin in July 2023 with additional options for continuous deliveries throughout the life of the current U.S. Air Force Program.

This marks the 4th current OEM production contract for IS&S building on existing OEM programs with Pilatus Aircraft for the PC-24, Textron Aviation for the King Airs and Boeing for the KC-46A.

The IS&S GPS/WAAS Beta-3 Receiver is a satellite receiver that utilizes the signals coming from GPS satellite constellation and satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS) such as the USA Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS). It is a DO-229D compliant GPS-SBAS receiver certified by the FAA for TSO-C145c Class Beta 3 enabling LPV approaches and ADS-B mandate compliance. The system has been undergoing rigorous testing in the trainer for several years.

The primary function of the receiver is to compute the position, velocity of an aircraft and the precise time (PVT). It also computes the integrity of the PVT from the SBAS signal, if available. The receiver detects and excludes failed satellites (FD/FDE) using receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) algorithm, whenever there are enough number of tracked satellites. The sensor unit communicates with a host computer through a serial communication link.

The Boeing T-7A Red Hawk is an all-new advanced pilot training system that will train the next generation of fighter and bomber pilots for decades to come. Designed using a digital thread, the T-7A enables the integration of new concepts and capabilities faster and more affordably through virtual testing.

Contact details from our directory:
Boeing Defense, Space & Security Airframer
Innovative Solutions & Support Inc. (IS&S) Air Data Computers, Airspeed Indicators, Autothrottle Systems, Electronic Flight Instrument Systems, Engine Indicator Instruments, Fuel Quantity Indicators, GPS, LCD Displays, Pressure Altimeters, RVSM Equipment
Related aircraft programs:
Boeing T-7A Red Hawk
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Navigation Aids (Airborne)