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Airbus A400M

Lift typeFixed wing
Construction typeFactory-built
Control typePiloted
Engine typeTurboprop
ApplicationCargo, Military Transport
Final assembly Seville
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Medium transport, military aircraft with capability to take off and land from short and rough air strips. With a cargo payload of 37 tonnes, the A400M is used for tactical airlift, strategic airlift, medical evacuation and air-to-air refuelling.

A high wing aircraft with t-tail configuration, large fuselage cross section for maximum cargo hold and removable refuelling probe above cockpit. 4 eight-blade composite propellers, two per wing turning in opposite directions, 4 turboprop engines and 6 wheel landing gear.

Airframe is constructed from aluminium alloy as are the rudder structural frame. Titanium alloy is used around windscreen, wing/fuselage joints, and landing gear components as well as tail plane central joint. Over a third of structure is made from composite materials including tail plane outer boxes, wing box, trailing edge shroud and most of the rudder. Wing skins, stringers, spars and moving surfaces are made from carbon fibre composites; landing gear doors and fairings from glass fibre or carbon fibre.

2 pilots and additional crew member in a full glass cockpit face two mission computers, two wide angled head-up displays and 8 colour head-down displays with side stick controllers each, centrally positioned throttle control and fly-by-wire control systems with side stick controllers.

Type variants

Variant Launch/First flight Production end  
Airbus A400M Atlas 1995 / 2009 Turboprop mulitrole aircraft.

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See recent updates (latest 13/12/2024)

Supply chain

  (346 links)
Design Design (3) Design Software (2)
Materials Coatings (1) Composites (7) Metals (2)
Components Active Electronic Components (3) Actuation (7) Bearings (1) Covers & Accessories (1) Electrical Components (5) Fasteners (3) Lighting (3) Mechanical Components (14) Mechanical Connectors (2) Non-Mechanical Components (3) Passive Electronic Components (1) Sensors, Transducers & Detectors (6) Structural Components (15) Switches (1) Valves (5) Windows & Glass (2)
Airframe Systems Airframe Assemblies (26) Cabin Interiors (2) Cargo Systems (4) Crew Seating (1) Environmental Systems (9) Fluid Power (6) Landing Assemblies (6) Oxygen Systems & Equipment (3) Safety & Security Systems (6) Weapons Systems (2)
Avionics Avionic Components (5) Communications (Airborne) (6) Flight and Data Management (13) Imaging and Visual Systems (2) Indicators and Instruments (2) Navigation Aids (Airborne) (3)
Power Systems Auxiliary Power (3) Batteries & Accessories (1) Electrical Power Systems (10) Engine Components (12) Engines (1) Fuel Systems (9) Power Transmission (3) Rotors & Propellers (2)
Production Computer Integrated Manufacturing (2) Handling Equipment (2) Heat Treatment (1) Inspection Equipment (1) Machining (3) Manufacturing Services (1) Measurement (1) Metal Processes (1) Metal Removing (1) Processes (1) Production Control (1) Production Equipment (3) Sheet Metal Processes (1) Surface Treatment (1) Technical Consultants (5) Tooling (5) Tools (6)
Testing Aircraft Operations (1) Computer-Aided Testing (1) Test Equipment (11) Test Services (7)
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Design / Design

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Design / Design Software

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Materials / Coatings

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Materials / Composites

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Materials / Metals

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PPG Engineered Materials (Dexmet Corporation) Analysis Foil: Expanded copper foil for lightning strike protection on the wing covers & leading edge, VTP and HTP.

Components / Active Electronic Components

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Components / Actuation

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Components / Bearings

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Components / Covers & Accessories

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Components / Electrical Components

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Components / Fasteners

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Components / Lighting

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Components / Mechanical Components

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Components / Mechanical Connectors

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Components / Non-Mechanical Components

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Components / Passive Electronic Components

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Components / Sensors, Transducers & Detectors

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FCI Aerospace Analysis Flow Meters: Flow sensor for air management system
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Components / Structural Components

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Components / Switches

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Components / Valves

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Components / Windows & Glass

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Airframe Systems / Airframe Assemblies

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Airframe Systems / Cabin Interiors

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Airframe Systems / Cargo Systems

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Airframe Systems / Crew Seating

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Airframe Systems / Environmental Systems

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Airframe Systems / Fluid Power

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Airframe Systems / Landing Assemblies

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Airframe Systems / Oxygen Systems & Equipment

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Airframe Systems / Safety & Security Systems

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Airframe Systems / Weapons Systems

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Avionics / Avionic Components

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Avionics / Communications (Airborne)

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Avionics / Flight and Data Management

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Avionics / Imaging and Visual Systems

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Avionics / Indicators and Instruments

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Avionics / Navigation Aids (Airborne)

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Power Systems / Auxiliary Power

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Power Systems / Batteries & Accessories

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Power Systems / Electrical Power Systems

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Power Systems / Engine Components

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Power Systems / Engines

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Power Systems / Fuel Systems

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Power Systems / Power Transmission

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Power Systems / Rotors & Propellers

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Production / Computer Integrated Manufacturing

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Production / Handling Equipment

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Production / Heat Treatment

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Production / Inspection Equipment

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Production / Machining

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Production / Manufacturing Services

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Production / Measurement

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Production / Metal Processes

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Production / Metal Removing

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Production / Processes

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Production / Production Control

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Production / Production Equipment

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Production / Sheet Metal Processes

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Production / Surface Treatment

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Production / Technical Consultants

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Production / Tooling

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Production / Tools

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Testing / Aircraft Operations

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Testing / Computer-Aided Testing

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Testing / Test Equipment

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Testing / Test Services

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Information on this page is compiled from a variety of published sources, and links do not necessarily imply recommendation or confirmation by the airframe manufacturer.