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Leonardo AW609

Lift typeTilt-rotor
Construction typeFactory-built
Control typePiloted
Engine typeTurboshaft
Final assembly Philadelphia (Northeast) , Taranto (Grottaglie)
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The fuselage is aluminium with skin and wing formed of composites. The fuselage skin incorporates graphite stringers and Toray composites, as do the wing and nacelles.

The T tail configuration has conventional elevators and no rudder. The horizontal tailplane can be raised above the rotor wake to minimise pitching at transition phase.

Size of wing determined by fuel requirement vs centre of gravity and safety. It has two-segment, trailing edge flaperons.

Titanium/composites cross shafts keep both proprotors turning in event of single engine failure. A manual screw jack facility enables the proprotors to be tilted into helicopter mode if cross shafts fail.

Type variants

Variant Launch/First flight Production end  
Leonardo AW609 1997 / 2003 Light utility tiltrotor, formerly known as BA609 due to prior Boeing influence.

Recent news

View full news archive for the Leonardo AW609.

Operations data

For detailed information about current charter operators, maintenance and training providers, and completions services for this aircraft, please consult our sister publication Business Air News: AgustaWestland AW609 TiltRotor

Supply chain

  (40 links)
Design Design Software (1)
Materials Composites (3) Metals (1)
Components Electrical Components (1) Fasteners (2) Mechanical Components (2) Non-Mechanical Components (1) Sensors, Transducers & Detectors (1) Structural Components (1) Valves (2)
Airframe Systems Airframe Assemblies (4) Fluid Power (1) Landing Assemblies (2)
Avionics Flight and Data Management (1) Imaging and Visual Systems (1) Indicators and Instruments (2) Navigation Aids (Airborne) (1) Warning Systems (1)
Power Systems Batteries & Accessories (1) Engine Components (3) Engines (1) Fuel Systems (2) Power Transmission (1) Rotors & Propellers (2)
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Design / Design Software

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Materials / Composites

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Toray Composite Materials America, Inc. Analysis Prepreg: Primary structure materials consisting of 350F curing 3900-2 series highly toughened epoxy prepregs including T800H [ IM ] carbon fiber UD plus Standard modulus carbon fiber and glass fabric material forms.

Materials / Metals

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Components / Electrical Components

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Components / Fasteners

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Components / Mechanical Components

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Components / Non-Mechanical Components

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Components / Sensors, Transducers & Detectors

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Components / Structural Components

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Components / Valves

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Airframe Systems / Airframe Assemblies

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Airframe Systems / Fluid Power

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Airframe Systems / Landing Assemblies

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Avionics / Flight and Data Management

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Avionics / Imaging and Visual Systems

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Avionics / Indicators and Instruments

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Avionics / Navigation Aids (Airborne)

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Avionics / Warning Systems

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Power Systems / Batteries & Accessories

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Power Systems / Engine Components

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Power Systems / Engines

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Power Systems / Fuel Systems

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Power Systems / Power Transmission

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Power Systems / Rotors & Propellers

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Information on this page is compiled from a variety of published sources, and links do not necessarily imply recommendation or confirmation by the airframe manufacturer.