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HT Aero - Guangdong Huitian Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd

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Aircraft currently in production/development

XPeng AeroHT eVTOL eVTOL flying car with distributed fold-away multi-rotor configuration. Previously known as XPeng X3. In development.
XPeng AeroHT Land Aircraft Carrier 'Land Aircraft Carrier' modular flying car. Unique two-part design. The air module is a fully electric piloted aircraft capable of vertical takeoff and low-altitude flight. In development.
XPeng AeroHT X2 Two-seater, electric, enclosed-cockpit flying vehicle. Supersedes the X1 model, a single-seat flying car prototype for urban transport, formerly known as Kiwigogo.
XPeng AeroHT X5 Tilt-rotor eVTOL with a projected maximum speed of 360 km/h and a range of over 500 km. In development.

News and press releases

23/01/2025NEWS: Xiaopeng Huitian commits to Schaeffler flying car powertrains
06/11/2024Press Release: XPENG AEROHT’s “Land Aircraft Carrier” achieves manned flight, and announces tilt-rotor eVTOL concept
27/10/2024Press Release: World's first flying car manufacturing base breaks ground in China, annual capacity set at 10,000 units
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