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Otto Celera 500L | Airframer | Otto Aviation Group LLC

17/11/2021Press Release:
The Celera 500L completed its most recent flight using sustainable fuel. (Photo: Otto Aviation)
Otto Aviation's Celera 500L achieves a total of 55 successful test flights
08/12/2020Press Release:
The Celera 500L, a flight-tested full-scale prototype aircraft. (Photo: Otto Aviation)
Otto Aviation targets 2027 for delivery of zero emissions aircraft
A full-size prototype of the Celera 500L has been performing well.

Otto harnesses laminar flow design for fuel efficiency

The Celera 500L is expected to fly six passengers in a stand-up cabin at 450 miles per hour over 4,500 miles, at under 25 miles per gallon. It is also expected to glide 125 miles from 30,000 feet.