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Cessna Citation CJ3

Textron's Cessna Citation CJ3 Gen2 air-to-air.

CJ3 Gen2 becomes the latest in Textron's Citation line-up

One of the most notable changes in the cockpit is an added 4.5 inches of legroom for the pilot, allowing a comfortable and focused flight experience.

05/04/2021Press Release:
Textron Aviation celebrates the delivery of the 600th aircraft from the Cessna Citation CJ3 family. (Photo: Textron Aviation)
Cessna Citation CJ3 series cements best-selling light jet legacy with 600th delivery
26/09/2017Press Release:
Unitech Composites announces multi-year master agreement with Textron Aviation
08/06/2017Press Release:
Textron Aviation celebrates light jet leadership with 2,000th delivery for Cessna CJ family
03/05/2016Press Release:
Cessna model 525 celebrates 25 years of innovation and leadership in the light jet market

Showing the most recent five of 12 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.