Three new partners have joined the advanced air mobility ecosystem created by Manta Aircraft, beginning in November: Kineton, Pantecnica and Powerflex. They bring their know-how and expertise in the fields of software development with particular focus on HMI (Human-Machine Interface) and connectivity. In the context of advanced air mobility, one of the long-term goals for aviation, according to "Flightpath 2050", is for 90% of citizens to be able to complete a trip inside Europe in four hours or less, within 30 years, using electrically-powered aircraft that can take off and land vertically (known as "eVTOLs"). Across Europe, there are around 3,000 small airports that can be utilised by regional air transport with eVTOLs in the future, for regional point-to-point connections inside and between cities, providing convenient service and contributing to a drastic reduction of urban road traffic and environmental and noise pollution, as well as total CO2 emissions. In this context, these partners with a long-time R&D commitment, sensitive to environmental innovation, have recognised the program of Manta Aircraft as one of the most advanced in the world. In their joint statement, they name 3 crucial features:
Aircraft performance and versatility of the platform
The high performance (speed ≥ 300 km/h and range of 400 – 800 km, depending on VTOL or STOL operations) and the versatility of the multi-model platform for use (e.g., transport of passengers and/or goods; first-aid response; infrastructure surveillance; law enforcement and many more).
Best hybrid system
Its modular power supply based on batteries in combination with a power generator does not require heavy on-board batteries load and expensive ground infrastructure. In addition, the propulsion system can run on bio-jetA1 or bio-Diesel, highlighting the environmental-friendly operation of this advanced air vehicle.
Less noise, even during vertical take-off and landing
Reduction of noise on take-off and landing due to eight accurately-tuned electrically-driven ducted-fan units that make this aircraft a friendly neighbour also in populated areas.
Kineton offers years of experience and acquired skills combined with the passion for technology and the engaging enthusiasm we transmit. The company will contribute to the development of the software of the aircraft, in particular the one related to the HMI and the flight plan management, using the skills and experience gained in the aeronautical and automotive worlds through years of research and development activities. The analysis of the data collected during the journey through artificial intelligence techniques makes Kineton a strategic partner for innovation.
Pantecnica and Powerflex are assisting in this partnership with their experience in dynamic analysis and special materials, conducting the required aerospace qualification testing as well as the design, development and supply of anti-vibration systems and acoustic shielding to improve on-board vibro-acoustic comfort and further mitigate the residual noise produced by the generator.
In addition Pietro Rosa has joined the project, and is supporting it with its long-standing experience in propulsion systems. The ecosystem created by Manta Aircraft for the AAM represents an important aspect of the company's strategy: to focus only on core topics of the developed aerial platform and to invite other highly specialised players to join the ecosystem in partnership, ensuring the best outcome for each area of activity. "We believe that the continuous growth of the ecosystem launched by Manta Aircraft provides a solid foundation on which a fast and efficient development path for the deployment of AAM can be designed and implemented. Through collaboration and exchange among partners, the ecosystem is growing and becoming more and more attractive to new participants, whom we are happy to welcome at our side," said Manta Aircraft CEO Lucas Marchesini.
Contact details from our directory: | |
Manta Aircraft S.r.l | Airframer |
Pietro Rosa TBM Srl | Titanium, Turbine Engine Blades, Aircraft Structural Components, Blisks, Compressors, Forging, Grinding, Milling, Turning |
Kineton | Onboard Computers |
Pantecnica S.p.A. | Rotating & Non-Rotating Seals, Vibration Damping Materials, Shock & Vibration Insulation, Mechanical Seals |
Powerflex | Testing Services, Acoustic Damping Materials, Acoustic Testing Services, Vibration Analysis |
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