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Hybrid airship enters the transfer portal
Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Lockheed Martin believes in the potential for hybrid airships to transform global transport. For some time, we have been in search of a transition partner to continue development of this important commercial work. We are pleased to share that the hybrid airship IP and related assets have been transitioned to a newly formed, commercial company called AT2 Aerospace.

AT2 Aerospace, based in Santa Clarita, California, is extending our work to bring hybrid airships to fruition. The AT2 team is developing airship solutions to support commercial and humanitarian applications around the world. Dr. Robert Boyd, retired Lockheed Martin Hybrid Airship program manager, is president and chief operating officer of AT2 Aerospace.

Contact details from our directory:
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Airframer
AT2 Aerospace Airframer
Related aircraft programs:
AT2 Aerospace Z1