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Contract with Lockheed Martin for F-35 fighter aircraft production
Tuesday, 31 August 2010

KONGSBERG has won a contract with Lockheed Martin Aeronautics for the deliveries of components for the F-35 fighter aircraft.

With a scope of MNOK 270, the contract applies to the delivery of composite and titanium components for the aircraft's rudders. The contract is for deliveries to 62 aircrafts.

The contract will be signed during a press conference held in "Teatersalen" at Hotel Continental, Tuesday 31 August at 1 PM.

Contact details from our directory:
Kongsberg Defense & Aerospace AS Simulation Systems, Aircraft Structural Components, Subcontracted Composite Parts, X-Ray Equipment
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Airframer
Related aircraft programs:
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II
Related directory sectors:
Structural Components