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100-125 hp, four-cylinder, air-cooled, naturally aspirated, piston engine family

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CategoryEngines - Piston Engines

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A2 Ellipse Spirit
American Legend Cub - O-200-D engine for the AL3C-100 Legend Cub
Bearhawk 4 - Optional Continental O-200
Bearhawk LSA - Optional Continental O-200
Dakota Cub Super 18-LT - Optional Continental O-200
Diamond DA20 C1 - Continental IO-240-B32B (DA20 C1)
Fisher Celebrity - Continental O-200
Fisher Dakota Hawk - Optional Continental O-200
Fisher Horizon 1 - Optional Continental O-200
Fisher Horizon 2 - Optional Continental O-200
Kitfox Super Sport - Optional Continental O-200/O-240
Serenity Spacewalker 2 - Continental O-200
Skyleader 400 - Optional O-200D
Tapanee Pegazair 100 - Optional Continental O-200
Vashon Aircraft Ranger R7 - Continental O-200-D
Wag-Aero Sport Trainer - Optional Continental O-200
Wag-Aero Wag-A-Bond - Optional Continental O-200
Zenith CH 650 - O-200A (CH 650LS/B)
Zenith CH 750 - Continental O-200A
Zenith CH 750 CruZer - O-200
Information on this page is compiled from a variety of published sources, and links do not necessarily imply recommendation or confirmation by the airframe manufacturer.