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Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II

This page lists recent changes to Airframer's data relating to this aircraft program.

10/09/2024Kopin receives additional $2 million follow-on microdisplay order in support of Collins Aerospace’s F-35 Lightning II Helmet Mounted Display System (HMDS) (press release)
04/09/2024Honeywell completes acquisition of CAES (press release)
16/07/2024AMETEK Programmable Power (Elgar Electronics) (link to Electrical Power Systems: L-series AC power source)
15/07/2024RTX's Pratt & Whitney completes F135 Engine Core Upgrade preliminary design review (press release)
20/06/2024Honeywell to acquire CAES to enhance defense technologies across land, sea, air and space (press release)
03/06/2024Drytech Inc. (linked to Environmental Systems: Desiccators for moisture / contamination protection for targeting and reconnaissance pods)
03/06/2024Drytech Inc. (linked to Environmental Systems: Moisture and containment level control system)
28/03/2024Patria Aerostructures OY (link to Airframe Assemblies: Landing gear doors)
28/03/2024Patria lands contract for F-35 landing gear doors (news)
27/03/2024Patria Aerostructures OY (linked to Airframe Assemblies: Landing gear doors)

Information on this page is compiled from a variety of sources, and links do not necessarily imply recommendation or confirmation by the airframe manufacturer.