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Sukhoi SuperJet 100 (SSJ) | Airframer | Irkut Regional Aircraft (was Sukhoi Civil Aircraft)

A new inertial navigation system SINS-2015, developed by the Moscow Institute of Electromechanics and Automation, will be installed on the SSJ NEW.

Future Superjet will feature more Russian parts

The new version Superjet will use the PD-8 engine, with planned certification in 2023, and dozens of foreign systems and components will be replaced with domestic Russian ones.

08/07/2020Press Release:
Irkut has begin testing the BINS-2015 inertial navigation system on an SSJ100. (Photo: Irkut)
Testing begins of new Russian navigation system on the SSJ100
17/02/2020Press Release:
Sukhoi is testing the SSJ NEW with an air conditioning system developed by Russian company JSC PKO “Heat Exchanger”.
GSS launches in-flight tests of the first major system for the SSJ NEW project
04/02/2020Press Release:
SSJ100 factory turns 15 years old
16/05/2017Press Release:
New SSJ100 model certified by EASA: base take-off weight with increased engine thrust

Showing the most recent five of 60 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.