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Lockheed Martin Skunk Works X-59 QueSST

On the X-59 project, Karman's significant contributions included control surfaces, T-tails and bulkheads.

Karman provides subsystems for NASA's supersonic X-59

The X-59 is scheduled to take flight this year. Once fully operational and tested, NASA plans to fly the aircraft over select U.S. cities in 2026 and gather feedback from the public on the sound it produces.

Fresh out of Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works.

NASA reveals the X-59 noise-reduction X-Plane

Years of research, development and production of this one-of-a-kind technology demonstrator aircraft should reduce the loudness of sonic booms to a gentle thump.

18/04/2022Press Release:
The X-59 is lowered to the ground at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works facility in Palmdale, California following a crane operation to remove it from the back of its transport.
NASA's X-59 arrives back in California following critical ground tests
11/02/2022Press Release:
This panoramic side view of NASA’s X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology airplane shows the aircraft sitting on jacks at a Lockheed Martin test facility in Fort Worth, Texas.
NASA's X-59 calls on Texas for key testing
NASA’s X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology aircraft (QueSST) is pictured here at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in California, wrapped up in preparation for its move to Texas.

Quiet supersonic demonstrator starts ground testing in Texas

While in Texas, ground testing of the X-59 will ensure the aircraft can withstand the loads and stresses that typically occur during flight. The team will also calibrate and test the fuel systems.

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