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Kamov Ka-226T

16/11/2021Press Release:
Ka-226T helicopter presented at Dubai Airshow is equipped with the latest KRET equipment
08/11/2021Press Release:
The modernised Ka-226T light helicopter made its maiden flight at the Mil and Kamov flight test complex of the National Helicopter Engineering Centre. (Photo: Russian Helicopters)
Upgraded Ka-226T helicopter made its first flight
The latest modification of the Ka-226T features a coaxial rotor design.

Russian Helicopters reveals plans for Ka-226T Climber

The upgraded Ka-226T helicopter will be optimised for high altitude operations, with flight tests starting in the autumn. It will have a new airframe design with significantly improved aerodynamics.

29/01/2021Press Release:
The VK-650V engine is planned to be installed on light helicopters such as the Ka-226T and Ansat-U. (Photo: Rostec)
Rostec has started testing the first Russian engine for light helicopters
The fuselage of the Ka-226T helicopter is manufactured at the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant.

Ulan-Ude rolls out accident-resistant Ka-226T fuselages

The Ka-226T is the first machine in Russia's helicopter industry to be developed entirely in virtual space without the use of paper media. Fuselages that reduce fuel system accidents are the latest piece of the puzzle.

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