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Dassault 7X

Lift typeFixed wing
Construction typeFactory-built
Control typePiloted
Engine typeTurbofan
Final assembly Bordeaux (Merignac)
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Long range triple turbofan business jet.

Type variants

Variant Launch/First flight Production end  
Dassault 7X 2001 / 2005 Long-range, wide-body business jet, also known as Dassault Falcon 7X.

View full news archive for the Dassault 7X.

See recent updates (latest 17/12/2024)

Operations data

For detailed information about current charter operators, maintenance and training providers, and completions services for this aircraft, please consult our sister publication Business Air News: Falcon 7X

Supply chain

  (121 links)
Management Professional Services (1)
Design Design (2) Design Software (1)
Materials Coatings (1) Composites (2)
Components Actuation (2) Electrical Components (3) Fibre Optics (1) Lighting (1) Mechanical Components (5) Sensors, Transducers & Detectors (3) Structural Components (4) Valves (2) Windows & Glass (1)
Airframe Systems Airframe Assemblies (14) Cabin Interiors (9) Environmental Systems (5) Fluid Power (4) Landing Assemblies (6) Oxygen Systems & Equipment (1) Safety & Security Systems (3)
Avionics Avionic Components (2) Communications (Airborne) (5) Flight and Data Management (2) Indicators and Instruments (2) Warning Systems (1)
Power Systems Auxiliary Power (2) Electrical Power Systems (3) Engine Components (5) Engines (1) Fuel Systems (2)
Production Handling Equipment (1) Manufacturing Services (1) Production Equipment (1) Technical Consultants (1)
Testing Aircraft Operations (1) Test Equipment (1) Test Services (2)
Expand/Collapse All
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Management / Professional Services

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Design / Design

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Design / Design Software

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Materials / Coatings

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Materials / Composites

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Components / Actuation

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Components / Electrical Components

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Components / Fibre Optics

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Components / Lighting

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Components / Mechanical Components

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Components / Sensors, Transducers & Detectors

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Components / Structural Components

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Components / Valves

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Components / Windows & Glass

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Airframe Systems / Airframe Assemblies

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Airframe Systems / Cabin Interiors

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Airframe Systems / Environmental Systems

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Airframe Systems / Fluid Power

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Airframe Systems / Landing Assemblies

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Airframe Systems / Oxygen Systems & Equipment

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Airframe Systems / Safety & Security Systems

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Avionics / Avionic Components

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Avionics / Communications (Airborne)

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Avionics / Flight and Data Management

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Avionics / Indicators and Instruments

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Avionics / Warning Systems

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Power Systems / Auxiliary Power

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Power Systems / Electrical Power Systems

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Power Systems / Engine Components

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Power Systems / Engines

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Power Systems / Fuel Systems

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Production / Handling Equipment

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Production / Manufacturing Services

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Production / Production Equipment

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Production / Technical Consultants

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Testing / Aircraft Operations

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Testing / Test Equipment

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Testing / Test Services

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Information on this page is compiled from a variety of published sources, and links do not necessarily imply recommendation or confirmation by the airframe manufacturer.